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Star Citizen 



Ryoko Kutznetov


Name: Ryokou Kutznetov 


Age: 31


Ethnicity: Japanese / Russian Mix


DOB: May 15, 2920


Height: 6 ft 3 in


Physical Attributes: Dark skinned, usually has her long platinum hair in a ponytail with bangs when not on duty .  She has purple eyes, due to her father being raised on Crusader           (A common trait to people exposed to the gases of the planet for long periods of time at a young age).  Toned but not muscular, with a sizable chest (36DD).  This often bothers her as a lot of clothing does not fit her, so she sticks to plain clothing when not in uniform, although she does have a few custom fitted items.  


Traits: Stoic by nature, but soft with a few of her closest friends and family.  She has a tendency to sleep late, making her rough if needed to wake up early.  Dependable and loyal to a fault.  She gets embarrassed when showing her femanine side, which her friends find endearing.


Skills: Piloting, Firearms training level Marksmen, 


Background:  Ryokou was born on an UEE Javelin destroyer, her father being an officer on board and her mother a doctor.  The mother was sent back to earth to raise Ryoko.  Growing up Ryoko was a studious child, always wanting to learn more.  The relationship between them was normal up until the point of the death of her father.  Wanting to follow in her father’s path, a fight ensued and Ryoko essentially left to go into the UEE military academy.  Ryoko showed promise as an officer and as a pilot so she was selected as a candidate for the flight school.  After flying for various posts she climbed the ranks to Captain, and managed to secure command of a Polaris class corvette named “Bentenmaru”.


Current Situation:  At the moment she is out of the military for various reasons.  Being put on leave didn’t slow her down and she now flies Crusader Starliners for the Spaceliner “United Spacelines”.  Due to a problem with the jump drives on ships at the moment, she is stuck doing in-system legs between the various planets in the meantime.  



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